Welcome toPOS DIGICERTCertificate Registration System
Request Certificate On Multi-Device
MYCRS is developed by Pos Digicert Sdn. Bhd. mainly to provide
a better solution and performance for their clients.
Here are the functionalities that are included in MYCRS.

User allowed to request or renew their certificate online

Payment can be made by online transaction via FPX or Credit Card

Email notification and Expiry Notice generated automatically by the System
Frequently Asked Questions
Please click on the Login link at the front page and a pop up window will appear. At the bottom of the pop up window, you could select the option “Forgot Username?” or “Forgot Password?” to proceed further. Thereon, follow the on-screen instructions.
Each Roaming Digital Certificate is protected by a user defined PIN (Personal Identification Number) or password.
To reset your PIN/password:
- Simply click on Reset PIN.
- Enter your NRIC or Passport number.
- Email with the link to reset your PIN/password will be sent to your registered email address.
- Click on the link and follow on-screen instruction to proceed further.
There are several methods to reset your PIN depending on your digital certificate’s holding medium. For Roaming Digital Certificate, you could login to MYCRS, click on the left menu View Status → click button “Action” on right hand side of your roaming certificate screen. On the function list, select menu “Reset PIN”.
Or, you could simply reset your roaming certificate PIN on the front page by selecting Reset PIN. Enter your NRIC or Passport number. An email with the link to reset your PIN/password will be sent to your registered email address. Click on the link and follow on-screen instruction to proceed further.
For other digital certificate holding medium, please refer to the details from our list of Guideline
Please wait for a few minutes before checking your email. It takes a while before the email gets sent to your respective email address. Worst case scenario, if you did not receive the email after half an hour, please check your email’s spam folder or bulk folder.
If you still did not find it in your spam or bulk folder, most probably your mail box is full.
Please also check your registered email address for Roaming Digital Certificate by login to MYCRS and click button “Profile” on your dashboard. Ensure that you have the correct email address in your profile or you could change the email by updating your profile.
If you face further issues, you may contact our Customer Care team for assistance.
Please follow the instructions below to perform online token unblocking:
- Login to MYCRS by clicking on menu “LOGIN” on the front page. If you have yet to register, please register MYCRS account by clicking on menu “REGISTER” on the front page.
- Download MYCRS User Client. Go to Dashboard → FAQ/Software. Select MYCRS User Client and install the software.
- On MYCRS left menu, click on “View Status”.
- Click on “Action” button of your certificate on the right menu. Select “Unblock Token”.
- Enter your PIN in “New PIN” and “Confirm PIN” text box.
- Click on button “Submit”.
- You will receive email with “Unblock Code”.
- Run MYCRS User Client and select menu Issuance >> Unblock Token.
- Enter the Unblock Code you receive in the text box.
- Click on button “Unblock”.
Your USB token now has been unblocked and you could use your new PIN (from Step 5).
Note : Your machine should have active Internet connection to perform unblocking.
Alternatively, you could return USB Token to Pos Digicert for unblocking purposes.
Kindly fill up Media Return Form (download here) and submit/courier the complete form together with the Token to:
- Pos Digicert Sdn Bhd (457608-K)
- 8-3A-02, Star Central,
- Lingkaran Cyberpoint Timur,
- 63000 Cyberjaya,
- Selangor Darul Ehsan.
If your smart card PIN is blocked, you need to send the smart card to Pos Digicert by hand or via courier service to unblock your PIN.
Kindly fill up Media Return Form (download here) and submit/courier the complete form together with the smartcard to:
- Pos Digicert Sdn Bhd (457608-K)
- 8-3A-02, Star Central,
- Lingkaran Cyberpoint Timur,
- 63000 Cyberjaya,
- Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Please follow these steps :
- Login to MYCRS.
- At Dashboard page, click on CERTIFICATE MANAGEMENT link or click on Certificate menu and select View Status sub menu.
- At View Status page, under List of Certificate tab, click on Action dropdown list at the appropriate record row and select Request Revoke item
- MYCRS will display a revocation form. Please note to fill in the information accordingly
- Then, click on REVOKE button. MYCRS will send “MYCRS Certificate Request Revoke [Serial No: XXX]” email notification to your registered email address.